Naughty Spanking Three Page 7
Gina abruptly was drawn to the way the young woman swung her legs tantalisingly on the high stool directly across from her, each arc wider than the last. So Suzie liked to exhibit? Was she showing herself off now? Gina had to admit Suzie had a body fit for display. Gina wasn’t a lesbian, but she was definitely attracted to women. She supposed she must be bisexual, though she had never actually pursued a female relationship, preferring to watch from a distance. Gina reluctantly tore her eyes from the dark promise between Suzie’s thighs, aware that her cheeks were a little flushed. For a moment she thought she was in danger of revealing her best-kept secret. Feeling exposed, she hurriedly searched her console for the script.
“Last night I was in my element.” Suzie’s voice filled the studio.
“Really?” Where was that bloody script?
“Do you know the Carlton? I used the open expanse between the restaurant and the cloakroom as a makeshift catwalk. You know …”
Gina wasn’t paying much attention. She was scrambling under the console for the raft of papers infuriatingly just out of reach. Eventually, she emerged, script in hand. “Sounds as if you were enjoying yourself?”
“Oh yes! It was supposed to be an evening for Darren but he treated me as if it were my birthday – until I went too far, that is.”
“Went too far?”
“Well, too far in Darren’s eyes. After another visit to the Ladies I strut back to our table, making certain I had the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Of course, I was careful to ensure the click of my heels on the tiled floor was loud enough to draw all eyes my way. By the time I reached my seat Darren was tutting and shaking his head. I could see he was angry but I did not offer an apology for my unashamed display. Instead, I lift the hem of the dress slightly and twirl. ‘You don’t like?’ I ask. Darren raises an eyebrow. His instructions were that I should not wear any underwear. He was adamant on that point and because of my promise I obliged. Emboldened by the champagne I raise a foot onto his chair. His eyes grow wide. It is a shameless display, designed to turn him on, to turn me on.”
Obviously, Suzie liked to live dangerously. Gina was getting turned on just listening to her story. “Darren didn’t like that?” she asked.
“Well, yes and no ...”
“What did he say?”
“Am I to spank you again?”
Flabbergasted, Gina fell back into her chair.
“That’s exactly how everyone reacted. It seemed the whole restaurant fell silent. The elderly couple at the next table stared wide-eyed; a strangled cough issued from the table behind. I ignored them. ‘As you please,’ I challenged. ‘You’re arrogant enough to feel I am yours to do with as you wish.’ I know I have pushed Darren too far. My heart races as he keeps an iron grip on my hand, all but forcefully dragging me from the restaurant. I stumble behind, struggling to remain graceful in the stiletto heels.”
“Goodness!” Something inside Gina wanted to keep Suzie talking. “Go on.”
Suzie peered over her shoulder even though the studio door was closed; then once again leaned closer to the microphone. She talked in a lower voice. Somehow the two had become fellow conspirators. Surreptitiously Gina pressed the record button. Whatever Suzie had to say she wanted to keep for posterity. “He took me to our room and had me lean against the bed, well, sort of half lie on it ...” She looked at Gina. “You know ...”
“Not really,” Gina lied.
“Like this.” Suzie stepped off the stool and bent over the end of the script desk so her body was supported by her arms, her bottom right at the edge. “And?” Gina asked.
“He had me lift my dress.” Suzie took the edge of her dress with one hand and lifted the hem a couple of inches – then stopped. Gina felt an unexplained sense of disappointment. “Only that far?” The voyeur in her expected more.
Suzie giggled. “Until my bottom was bare.”
“Well, what happened next?”
“You seem awfully nosy!”
Gina was too turned on to allow Suzie to stop. Snooping or not, she had to know what happened. “I’m curious, that’s all.”
“Well, Darren had me reach back and feel myself.”
Gina felt she was in heaven when Suzie actually reached back and put her hand on her backside. She recalled that Suzie wore only what Darren had requested. She just knew Suzie was naked beneath the dress! She had to be! “My dress was up, of course,” Suzie added in case Gina didn’t get the full picture. Gina could imagine. She envisioned the young woman bent over the edge of the bed, touching herself. Images of the porn she occasionally watched with Richard sprang to mind. She pictured Suzie in a starring role. “Darren watched until he decided it was time to spank me.”
Gina had forgotten about the threatened spanking.
“Darren moved me to the middle of the room and had me bend over and grasp my ankles. He insisted I keep my legs straight. Would you like me to show you?”
Gina’s mind was a whirl of emotion. Why was Suzie doing this? Why was she responding? Normally the erotica Gina recorded didn’t reach her. Stories were often recorded in disjointed segments and by the time she had the complete item the words had lost any impact. This felt different. Suzie’s tale was much more personal. Gina felt absolutely wicked. She shouldn’t be listening to this at all. She certainly shouldn’t be recording it. “If you like.” It was difficult now to conceal her arousal.
Suzie moved to the centre of the booth and bent forward so far that not only her bottom was exposed. Gina was delighted. She had a clear view of the girl’s sex. Even from her sitting position on the other side of the glass partition she could make out Suzie’s arousal. The bloated labia. The slight parting of lips. The glistening wetness. Obviously Suzie enjoyed the retelling of her exploits as much as Gina loved listening. The whole situation seemed far-fetched. Gina felt as if she were back in an Amsterdam sex bar she had once visited out of curiosity. The girl on the other side of the glass performed for her benefit, yet she seemed wholly disconnected, disinterested even. Still, Gina had taken voyeuristic pleasure in the girl’s brazen display, safe and anonymous behind the barrier of glass. Now, as then, Gina pressed her hand between her thighs. Why not? Suzie couldn’t possibly see what she was doing beneath the console. The thrill she felt was delightful. “Then what?” she encouraged.
“Darren spanked me. I’m sure you don’t want to hear the details.”
Gina did! Was Suzie teasing her? “I’d like to. I mean, I don’t want to spoil your story.”
“Well, if you really want?”
Suzie made no attempt to continue. She was definitely teasing, forcing Gina to admit her interest. “Yes. Yes I do!”
“Of course, no girl likes to be spanked unless she is aroused. Darren certainly had me aroused. He had let me have my fun but I sensed that the foreplay was over. So, I spread my legs wide, clasp my ankles, follow his instructions exactly – with full knowledge that in so doing I reveal myself completely. Can you imagine how it feels to be exposed and totally at Darren’s mercy? Knowing how vulnerable you are. Knowing he can do whatever he desires.”
“I can imagine.” Gina drew open the zip of her trousers.
“Can you really?”
“Yes,” she whispered. Her trembling fingers stole inside.
“I had to fight the urge to flee.”
“You didn’t! I mean, you didn’t?”
“No. Darren stood beside me, ran a fingernail down the ridge of my spine, making me shiver, but I didn’t feel threatened. He touched my bottom, his hand steady while I trembled. Next to him the lewdness of my posture feels sublimely wicked. Of course, my exposure is part of his game. ‘You’ve been a naughty girl Suzie,’ he says, patting my bottom, ‘strutting around with no panties …’ I apologise, promise to be good. ‘I’m afraid your apology isn’t good enough. I must punish you. You are a blatant exhibitionist!’”
Gina was beginning to see Darren’s point. The whole time Suzie had been telling her story, she had made no e
ffort to cover herself. Not that Gina had any complaints. The view from the front row was exquisite. “So Darren spanked you?”
“And how! I wait while he draws back his hand, holds for a moment – what seems an eternity – drawing my sense of trepidation. Making me wait. Making me want. Making me wet. So incredibly wet! He is in no hurry. Darren understands the power of anticipation. Can you imagine how it feels to wait like that? Knowing what is to come, but never when?”
Gina was vaguely aware that her fingers were moving of their own volition.
“The first sting of his hand brings tears to my eyes. He does not hold back and I almost lose my position. I am both shocked and delighted that he dare hurt me – this man who professes to love me. Hot, sharp pain flares in my cheeks, more intense than I imagined, yet fading faster. The blood rushes to my smarting buttocks, the cheeks reddening, glowing like a beacon, drawing him to me.”
Gina had no problem envisaging Suzie’s bottom red and smarting. Her fingers scratched against the front of her knickers. Damn the bloody things. They may be warm but all of a sudden the material felt infuriatingly obtrusive.
“The second slap is harder still. My body jerks, my eyes fly open in surprise and I let out a strangled cry. My anguished outburst excites him and with excitement come more blows – heavier blows. The pain builds, becomes needle-like, lingers until I feel I am on fire. Not only the flesh of my bottom but deep between my legs. My pussy throbs, and then the throbbing becomes a dull, needful ache. Soon the heat grows intolerable. It starts to consume me from the inside, turns against me, an agitator for his cause. Imagine how I must have looked to him?”
Gina bit her bottom lip.
“Again he strikes! The heat flares and I open my mouth in silent cry. This time the pain remains stubborn, fades reluctantly. Tears trickle from the corners of my eyes as the ache clings. Yet, somehow I harvest it. My cunt becomes the centre of my universe. Through it I am hypersensitive to the world around me. I feel the rush of air as his hand approaches; feel steamy moisture seep down the insides of my thighs. I am leaking lava. Any moment I will erupt.”
Gina too felt close to erupting. It was pointless pretending otherwise. She dropped her left hand into her lap, searched frantically for the waistband of her knickers. Her masturbating hand shot inside, sought her wetness and drew it onto her clitoris. That first touch was almost too much. Gina groaned loudly.
“Are you all right?”
“Yes! Go on!”
“Well, I bite my lip. Even though I want to scream I whimper. Perhaps not as you imagine – not like a scolded child but like a bitch in heat. The sounds I make are truly pathetic; they somehow make my punishment more demeaning. Before him I am weak. I profess my love when I should be indignant, when I should challenge his assumption that I am his to do with as he pleases, that I am a possession like the Japanese bondage prints in his study. Instead, I thank him for his diligence; thank him for keeping me on the straight and narrow.”
“Then he was satisfied?” Gina hoped not. Beneath the console she frantically rubbed away, building to one of the most peculiar climaxes she had ever experienced.
“No! He pulled out his cock and stood behind me.”
Gina imagined Darren towering over the exposed girl, monstrous and erect. “Did he do you from behind? Men like that. How did it feel?”
“His hips press against me. Despite my resolve I gasp as the pressure makes the pain flare. I welcome the feel of his erection, close my eyes, soak up the wicked pleasure as the hard bulge presses into the crack of my seared bottom. My pussy is swollen and bloated, my breathing ragged. I am empty. I need to be filled, need to be filled by him. Even the air is heavy with my need. Darren knows. He teases me with his erection. His fingers slide slowly over my heated skin, a nail traces a lazy trail ever downwards. He lingers at my anus, making me wonder, letting me know I am his completely. His other hand slides between my thighs, inches slowly upwards. My legs tremble as he stops barely a finger’s width from the outer folds of my sex. I almost swoon with desire. Suddenly he removes his hands, backs away. I open my mouth in surprise, anger and rebellion rising. ‘Please!’”
“Darren left you hanging like that?”
“I grow ever more frantic. He wants me to plead – to beg.”
“Yes, beg,” Gina repeated. “Did you? Did you beg?”
“Yes! I am past caring about self-respect. Only now as the pain subsides do I feel exposed, so totally at his mercy. Thankfully, Darren relents. His hand once again slides between my thighs. I gasp as an impossibly thick finger parts my lips. His finger lingers in the moistness, anticipation causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. He has the dexterity of a seamstress. He works me, picking at the threads holding me together until I am in danger of unravelling.”
Suzie moved at last. She turned to face the glass partition, to face Gina who considered her through glazed eyes. The young woman’s face is flushed, her eyes wide with excitement. “He feigns contempt at my weakness, delves deeper. I swallow his finger effortlessly, shudder in pleasure, no longer embarrassed by my body’s mutiny. I would like him to give more. Two fingers, three! Fuck me, damn it, fuck me! Instead, he teases, waits until I am close to climax, withdraws. I try to clench him to me, dangerously close to the abyss. It is no use. As ever, his timing is impeccable. I must wait. I derive a perverse pleasure from his meanness. It is the reason he can play me. I plead again, fighting back my guilt. What sort of woman am I?”
“A slut,” Gina called out.
Suzie smiled. “Yes! Can you imagine the cruelty of it? Not any slut – I am his slut he reminds me.” Suzie left the recording booth to join Gina in the control room. Gina’s hand froze when she realised. Suzie leaned against the console. “He did me back there,” she said, touching her bottom again.
Gina mulled over what Suzie had said. Suddenly it registered what the girl meant. She almost swooned at the thought. Once again her fingers started to move. She didn’t care any more. Suzie was in the room right next to her – watching – yet Gina didn’t care. She had to finish. Suzie had to finish! “You let him?”
“I am anything Darren wants me to be. I’ll do anything he wants me to do.” She stared into Gina’s eyes. “Shall I continue?”
“God, yes!”
“It is difficult to suppress my elation as his hands grasp my hips, draw me to him. His erection nudges my puckered flesh – rigid, imposing and rampant. Knowing how much he wants me fuels my hunger. He slips into me without hesitation, confident of his status, certain my arousal has prepared the way. His arrogance knows no bounds. In one deft movement he claims me, leaves me in no doubt I am his. I cry out, my submission complete. Darren knows me too well. Knows when to punish, when to deny, when to give, when to keep giving … He comes deep inside me. I squeal like an alley cat, cling to him, trying to force the cork back into the bottle. It is no use. Like a volcano I erupt until I too am spent.”
Gina closed her eyes. She was in the hotel room with Darren doing little Suzie! Suzie screaming in pleasure! Gina was mesmerised by the picture in her mind. She was on the cusp now. Rubbing frantically on her clitoris while a woman she hardly knew revealed her sex life in graphic detail. “It was ... so ... good ...” Suzie’s seductive voice was close to Gina’s ear. She could feel the woman’s hot breath. In that instant Gina came.
After a while Gina shook herself out of her daze. Her hand was still clasped against her sex. Suzie stared at her intently. The girl didn’t say anything – she just had a faraway look on her face. All Gina could think was that beneath her flimsy dress, the delectable Suzie was naked. If she could just reach out and touch ... As if reading her mind Suzie smiled and edged the dress higher. “Good?” she finally asked, her voice a little breathy.
Gina wasn’t certain if Suzie referred to the story or her orgasm. “Yes,” she answered.
“Would you like to join Darren and me?”
Gina swallowed hard. She couldn’t answer, her mouth was too dry.
“Come on ...” Suzie stood and pulled on Gina’s hand. How would she ever explain taking off from work with Suzie? Yet, she was already fumbling with her trousers and searching for her coat. Sod the schedule. The day was beyond bizarre, yet what puzzled Gina most was Suzie’s motivation. She had never shown any inclination of exhibitionist behaviour before, had never hinted that she too liked girls.
At the first set of traffic lights Gina got her answer. Suzie turned to Gina and squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I can see you’re wondering why I’m doing this. Well ... Darren’s orders this morning,” Suzie whispered as she slipped the car into gear and set off once more, “were to seduce a woman and bring her back to him.”
“All this was a set-up? For Darren’s benefit?”
Suzie giggled. “Can you imagine how pleased he’ll be?”
Gina squirmed in her seat. “Yes, I can imagine!”
Once More With Feeling!
by Teresa Joseph
Resting her head in her hands, the director sighed as she watched the actresses run through the scene yet again. This was the scene dress rehearsal. There was only a week left to go before opening night, and the damn thing still wasn’t working.
Six months ago, the Northumbrian Women’s Theatre Group had agreed to put on a stage production of the autobiography of a local feminist activist named Yolanda Jacobs. But now, at the eleventh hour, the director was seriously thinking about calling off the whole thing.
In the first part of her book, Yolanda had written about how at school in the late 1950s, she had been a nonconformist rebel until a certain schoolmistress had caned her into submission; how this mistreatment had left her a placid doormat until the dawn of Women’s Lib. So in the first scene, the actress who played the young Yolanda Jacobs was to be punished repeatedly until she relented.
In technical terms, things couldn’t have been better. The lines were learnt, the sets and costumes were made and the stage management was flawless. But even now after months of rehearsals, the acting was still about as wooden as a tree and as believable as the Sunday Sport.